Where to Begin
When we began our journeys, we didn’t know anything about Literacy or the READ Act. We realized how much we wished to have a tool to help us navigate a very complicated topic.
We share several helpful tools. The Literacy Dialogue Tool was developed in collaboration with Schools Cubed, who helped us bring this tool to fruition. we developed this Literacy Dialogue Tool for you, the parent/caregiver, and the educator, to navigate evidenced and scientifically-based Literacy instruction for your child in the public school system in Colorado. We also have a Generic Version of the Literacy Dialogue Tool listed that is available for use in private schools and for schools outside of Colorado.
Our new tool, the K-3 READ Plan Literacy Dialogue Tool is designed to help navigate and ask questions to aid in why a student is struggling to read.
Also below is the Curriculum Evaluation Tool developed by The Reading League, and a Reading Advocacy Tool developed by The Right to Read Project.
Por Dónde Empezar
Cuando empezamos el recorrido, no sabíamos nada en cuanto al alfabetismo o la Ley READ. Nos dio cuenta de cuanto esperamos tener una herramienta para ayudarnos con navegar un tópico tan complicado.
En colaboración con Schools Cubed, desarrollamos esa “Herramienta Para el Dialogo Sobre la Lectura” para ustedes, los padres/cuidadores y maestros, para navegar la instrucción de alfabetización basada en ciencia y evidencia para su(s) estudiante(s) en el sistema publica de escuelas en Colorado.
También, abajo se encuentra la “Herramienta Para Evaluar el Currículo” que se desarrolló The Reading League, y una “Herramienta Para la Defensa de la Lectura” que se desarrolló The Right to Read Project.
Colorado Read Act Literacy Dialogue Tool
The Literacy Dialogue Tool is for parents/guardians in Colorado public neighborhood and charter schools who want to ensure their child is receiving scientifically and evidence-based instruction in reading.
La Herramienta para el Diálogo Sobre la Lectura Bajo la Ley READ de Colorado
Esta herramienta se desarrolló originalmente teniendo en cuenta la iniciativa de alfabetización temprana K-3 de Colorado (la Ley READ) y con la investigación actual sobre cómo los niños aprenden a leer.
General Literacy Dialogue Tool
The General Literacy Dialogue Tool is for parents/guardians who have a child in private schools or in other states (not subject to Colorado’s Read Act) who want to ensure their child is receiving scientifically and evidence-based instruction in reading.
La Herramienta para el Dialogo Sobre la Lectura General
Esa herramienta general es para los padres/cuidadores de estudiantes que asisten a escuelas privadas o que viven en otros estados donde no se aplica la Ley READ de Colorado, para asegurar que el estudiante se recibe enseñanza de la lectura basada en la ciencia y evidencia (alfabetización estructurada).
Reading League Curriculum Evaluation Tool
The Reading League published the Curriculum Evaluation Tool in August 2020 to help determine if the curriculum being used or considered for use in a school is aligned with the Science of Reading.
Right to Read Project - Reading Advocacy Guide
“Beginning and struggling readers should work on these five components of reading every day, but unfortunately that doesn’t happen in all classrooms. To know if you need to advocate for improved instruction for your child, you’ll need to inquire about the instructional materials used and ask to observe instruction.”